I am a musician, writer, and eventually a music practitioner

I created “The Anxious Musician” after years of struggling with performance anxiety. As I’ve grown, I am discovering bit by bit that this is a byproduct of being a student of formal training and a failed education system.

As the education landscape is becoming aware of key cultural competencies, more and more educators are partaking in a decolonial approaches to music. While I’m happy for this collective realization, I have to wonder, what about the folks that were left broken after experiencing traumatic interactions with music or this who simply were not accepted into the music community.

This is where I come in.

I want to create a space that educates students, teachers, and musicians on how to feel accomplished and secure in the work you have done and feel confident in your abilities to play and perform music.

While there is no one-size fits all approach to learning music, I want this site to serve as a database of individual perspectives and more. I have a strong commitment to learning as much as I can so I can pass on the info.

In my own personal life, I have sought out my own customized education by exploring different avenues of learning. I am passionate about the work that I do and my hopes are to make music fun for you!