4 [Fire Emoji] Places to Find Your New Favorite Song

[4 Minute Read]

You’re a super special person that’s just found a shiny new song to add to your favorite [insert theme] playlist.

Perfect! I’m so proud of you!

But how long has it been since the last time you found a new song you totally vibed with?

Like…REALLY vibed with? I’m talking “you never skip it when it comes on” vibe with?

I bet it’s been a while. Don’t worry. I’m still proud of you.

Finding “good” music that hits your soul is NOT easy.

The never-ending search for new songs you love is an endless cycle of discovery & disappointment. And sometimes that next hit of sonic serotonin can feel so close, yet so far away.

So let me help you get a little closer!

Here are a few of my go-to places to find music that’s gonna give you those yummy, tasty, please-oh-god-can-I-have-just-a-little crumbs of serotonin your brain has been hungry for.

1| YouTube

I can’t be the only that's spent countless hours lost, with my face glued to my screen clicking links to find the gem-worthy tracks hidden deep inside YouTube’s garbage copyright claim system. No shade. Okay maybe a little.

If you can think of a song you love, chances are that YouTube’s recommendations will be able to give you something in the musical vicinity of what you’re looking for. And there’s a likelihood you’ll even come up on some new, up-and-coming artist that’ll earn you major “I knew them before they were famous” street cred that you can use to flex on your enemies.


I am not responsible/liable for the loss of hours & hours of your life you may spend frolicking through the link-clicking wormholes on YouTube.

But I’m sure you were gonna do that anyway. Right?

2| Subreddits

Reddit has a subreddit for just about every imaginable topic under the sun.

Seriously. Some of the subs will make you want to nope out, dunk your eyes in bleach, and start a petition to let global warming kill us all. I’d sign it. Send me a message on MySpace.

But when you’re on the net Indiana Jonesing it up for new tracks, you’ll be hard-pressed not to find a subreddit community that’s all about the exact mood you’re looking for in a song.

There are more bubbly subs like /popheads to stay in the loop on “the latest and greatest in pop music, and even one for the Hip-Hop, R&B, and Future Beats fans in the form of /hiphopheads.

There’s also my all-time fave, r/ifyoulikeblank. This subreddit isn’t just music focused. You can search & ask for similar & relevant recommendations for TV shows, or even movies!

Once you’re approved to join a subreddit (FYI some don’t require joining), go ahead and start a thread to begin getting recommendations on specific genres & vibes you’re looking for. Enjoy chopping it up with your fellow music junkies!

3| Twitter

Yes, even Elon Musk’s evil bird app has a special place in my heart for coming up on new tunes.

There are all kinds of subcultures thriving on the app, from anitwit (Anime Twitter) to my personal favorite Black Twitter (It’s exactly what you think it is).

For music discovery, it’s Music Twitter. Or musictwit for short.

This method might take a little bit more time because the plan here is to get ingrained in the community. So make sure you’re ready to make some new music-loving friends ready & willing to help you find new music!

To start, go ahead and follow people repping #musictwit on their accounts. Once you’ve filled your timeline, you’ll always be in the loop for the newest & hottest tracks. If you’re into it, you can even follow stan accounts that rep some of your favorite artists!


Stan accounts can be a little bit toxic. No shade. Okay maybe a little.

4| Me @findnewmusichva

Shameless plug, but even with all the great examples I mentioned, you’re still going to have to grab your shovel and do some digging on your own.

That’s where I come in!

THE HVA music blog has one purpose:

To help you find new music to love!

From Y2K bubble bass to experimental noise rock, I spend my days going through the corners of the internet, and sometimes the multiverse, to feed my and YOUR hunger for music discovery.

Whether you’re into Doja Cat or Cannibal Corpse. I can hook you up with some fire recommendations through the content on my social media channels.

Plus with my growing catalog of over 730+ playlists, you can trust that I’ve got at least a song or two for you to vibe with. Or three. Or four. :)

Follow my socials & shoot me a DM so I can help you find your new favorite song!




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